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Making It Ours: How Selah Pools Brought Our Ideas to Life

Written by Selah Group | Sep 1, 2024 6:49:45 PM

Our Selah Pool Journey: From Dream to Splash

Follow our adventure as we transform our backyard with Selah Pools, full of surprises and cool ideas along the way!


The Dreaming Phase

We'd been daydreaming about a pool forever, but where to start? We had a million ideas floating around but no clue how to make them real. Then we stumbled upon Selah Pools, and our journey really kicked off!


First Stop: The Wow Factor

Walking into Selah's office was like stepping into the future. They've got this mind-blowing 3D screen that showed us our actual backyard with the pool in it! No more trying to imagine what those boring blueprints meant – we could see our dream pool right there in front of us!


The Exploration Stage

Next up was picking out materials, and let me tell you, it was like being unleashed in a toy store! Tiles, gunite, plaster – so many cool options. I went from total pool newbie to feeling like I could give a TED talk on pool materials. It was overwhelming in the best way possible.

Our Guiding Light: Lori

Throughout our journey, Lori from Selah was our pool fairy godmother. She just got us, you know? She'd come up with ideas that seemed to be plucked right out of our brains. Having her along for the ride made everything so much more fun and way less stressful.


Personalizing Our Paradise

The best part of our journey was making everything uniquely ours. We weren't stuck with cookie-cutter designs – we could tweak and adjust to our heart's content. Selah was totally on board with all our ideas, no matter how wild they seemed.

Unexpected Delights

Along the way, Selah surprised us with awesome suggestions we'd never even considered. A patio overhang with a built-in roof? Misters for those scorching Texas days? Yes, please! These little extras really leveled up our whole backyard vibe.


The Cherry on Top

The coolest part of our journey? I mentioned wanting a swim jet system for exercise, thinking it might be too much. But Selah was all in! They made it happen without breaking a sweat. Talk about going above and beyond!

Journey's End (Or Is It Just the Beginning?)

Looking back, our Selah experience was an incredible ride from start to finish. We began as pool rookies and ended up with this amazing backyard oasis that's totally us. If you're thinking about taking the plunge (pun intended!), definitely check out Selah. They turn the whole process into an adventure, and you end up with something 100% you. What more could you ask for in a journey?